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Preparing for Your Visit
During Your Visit

Prepare for your visit 

  • Arrive to your appointment 15 minutes early.

  • The day of your visit you should be well hydrated. On a normal day you should be drinking ½ your body weight in oz of water.

  • What to wear - Make sure the effected body part is easily accesible.  Shorts and a tank top if possible.

  • Please don’t smoke for a minimum of one hour prior to your visit. Smoking decreases circulation which will slow down the healing process.

  • Part of being healthy is good body hygiene. Think clean thoughts.

Our goal is to help you achieve your goals.

After Your Visit

What to Expect from your visit

  • Your Evaluation - After an initial history of your body and reviewing your objectives and goals, we will evaluate how your body interacts with its environment.

    • During your evaluation we will look at several things.

      • Alignment - Your body has to deal with a wide range of complex movements. Your body might have soft tissue, joints and/or structures that are not aligned causing inflammation and pain.

      • Soft tissue - Skin, fascia, muscle, ligaments and tendons provide mechanical force to move and support your body. Identifying weaknesses and limitations can free your body for less restricted movements.

      • Circulation - Proper circulation is key to healing and improvement.

      • Joint restrictions - Joint movement is essential to performing every motion.


  • After your evaluation on your initial visit, we will begin to release any restrictions that have been found and mobilize any area of the body that needs to be freed. This will be done with a combination of manual therapy, joint manipulations, stretching and soft tissue mobilization.

  • Following your first visit we will establish a clear plan that will progress you to achieve your goals.

  • On your subsequent visits, we will work to advance you through a regiment of specific exercises. These will vary in difficulty and progress as your treatment plan progresses.

  • How many treatments will you need?

    • Every patient is different and their cases vary in complexity. The more complex the case, the more treatments will be needed. The number of treatments can vary.


  • Feeling sore after your visit? -  Experiencing a slight soreness from your visit is not uncommon. As your treatment plan progresses your body will become used to the manual therapy and other treatments. Each session that soreness will become less and less.

  • Drinking water and staying hydrated following your visit can help with any soreness that your are experiencing following your visit.

  • Should you be exercising or training?  Make sure to discuss your training and exercise plan with your therapist. Our goal is to disrupt your training schedule as little as possible.

  • Sleep! - Make sure you’re getting plenty of sleep. Your body does most of its recovering while you are sleeping. You should be factoring it into your daily schedule, just like you do with the rest of your training. So don't neglect it, let your body recover.

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